Polski schemat oceny i certyfikacji zgodnie z Common Criteria (PL Scheme) uzyskał formalny status autoryzowanego uczestnika międzynarodowych porozumień

We proudly inform that KSO3C project “National evaluation and certification of ICT product scheme, according to Common Criteria was formally and actually concluded with the objective fully achieved.

The KSO3C project was developed by the Consortium that consists of three R&D entities i.e., National Institute of Telecommunications – State Research Institute  (NIT, Leader of Consortium) , Scientific and Academic Computer Network – National Research Institute  (NASK) and Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG (EMAG). The Polish evaluation and certification scheme, which was the main deliverable of the KSO3C project, consists of the certification body located in NASK, and two evaluation facilities, located in NIT and EMAG, respectively.

The Polish evaluation and certification scheme (PL Scheme) has been upgraded to the authorized participant of international arrangements  which issues certificates that are mutually recognized among other participants.

The change of status relates to the following arrangements:

European, SOG-IS MRA – see https://sogis.eu/uk/status_participant_en.html and

world-wide CCRA –  see https://www.commoncriteriaportal.org/ccra/members/#PL.