CyberSecIdent is a research and development program aimed at improving security of Poland’s cyberspace by increasing availability of hardware and software solutions.
Cybersecurity and digital identity condition assessment was the basis for the preparation of the Program research agenda, its objectives and related indicators, methods of intervention and the budget.
The assessment, conducted according to the PEST methodology, included analysis of political and legal, economic, socio-cultural and technological circumstances. Within each of these categories, key factors and opportunities which the Program can create as well as risks that can occur if no action is taken, were identified.
As a result of the analysis, four key issues and related needs were identified, which were identified as necessary to be included in the CyberSecIdent Program scope.
- Political and legal scope:
- Ensuring adequate to Poland’s needs and capabilities, means of participation in the European Union activities which aim is creation of common solutions in the field of cyber security as well as the development and implementation of secure ICT products or services in cyberspace.
- Economic and socio-cultural scope:
- Ensuring effective impact on cyberspace security level in the context of a business and social environment.
- Providing solutions addressing cyberspace user’s security concerns.
- Technical scope:
- Increase in the number of R&D projects and related investments supporting development of innovative Polish ICT products and services in the field of ICT security.
Based on the above, the following Program objectives have been formulated:
Main objective
Improving by 2023 the security level of the Polish cyberspace by increasing the availability of hardware and software.
Secondary objectives
- Implementation of technical solutions facilitating collaboration and coordination of activities between various cyberspace security domains, with particular emphasis on digital identity.
- Implementation of authentication and authorization methods and techniques.
The CyberSecIdent program focuses on technical solutions that facilitate collaboration and coordination of activities between different cyberspace security domains with particular emphasis on digital identity. The Program excludes legal and regulatory aspects of cybersecurity or digital identity as well as other indirect actions affecting security, in particular awareness raising and education initiatives.
When it comes to digital identity, the Program assumes addressing only certain methods and techniques for authentication and authorization, excluding large scale solutions, such as digital identity management platforms.